Fall Finds with Evette Rios

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Fall is the perfect time to prepare and get ready for the holidays. Lifestyle Expert Evette Rios and IntheNews.tv partnered up with a few brands to feature some of her favorite fall finds! Check it out!

The ScanNCut DX (SDX85M) is the only affordable and versatile home and hobby cutting machine with a built-in scanner and true auto blade sensing technology for making all of life’s moments stand out.

Brother ScanNCut DX SDX85M


Brother ScanNCut DX SDX85M

Make ‘The’ Moment with ScanNCut DX! Great for crafters, the Brother ScanNCut DX SDX85M is the only affordable and versatile cutting machine with a built-in scanner for making all of life’s moments stand out. It’s so easy to use, with features like Blade Sensor Technology (that automatically adjusts for material thickness) and over 250 built-in designs, patterns and fonts to get your creative juices flowing. PLUS advanced editing with CanvasWorkspace to help showcase your advancing skills. Scan in your custom designs or create right from the box for any seasonal gifts or custom home décor. The project possibilities are endless!

Facebook: www.facebook.com/BrotherCraftsUSA
Instagram: @brothercraftsusa
Twitter: @BrotherCraftsUS
Hashtag: #ScanNCut

The pink Poly Sync 20 is a three-in-one device: a personal speakerphone, a portable music speaker, and a smartphone charger with high quality audio, and for each limited-edition pink Poly Sync sold, Poly will donate $10 to National Breast Cancer Foundation to help raise awareness in the fight against breast cancer.

Limited-Edition Pink Poly Sync 20 Speakerphone

Limited-Edition Pink Poly Sync 20 Speakerphone

The Limited-Edition Pink Poly Sync 20 is a three-in-one device: a personal speakerphone, a portable music speaker, and a smartphone charger. It provides high-quality audio, Siri and Google Assistant support, with intuitive touch controls, and uses intelligent microphones to detect voices and block out unwanted sounds and echoes in the background during calls. For every pink Poly Sync 20 sold, Poly will donate $10 to National Breast Cancer Foundation to support their fight against breast cancer, which focuses on early detection, education, and support services.

Facebook: www.facebook.com/PolyCompany
Instagram: @polycompany
Twitter: @polycompany

Kidde’s line with built in 10-year batteries gives you the peace of mind and confidence you need to protect your family, from the trusted leader in safety.

Kidde’s 10-year Worry Free Alarms

Kidde’s 10-year Worry Free Alarms

It’s Fire Prevention Month so it’s time to check your smoke alarms. If your alarms were installed before 2011, it’s time to replace! Every alarm – the whole alarm – needs replacing every 10 years. Get peace of mind with Kidde’s 10-year worry free alarms.

These alarms give you the features and capabilities you need to protect your home with confidence and include a long-life battery that lasts for 10 years (no battery changes ever), notifications when a device needs to be replaced, plus Kidde’s thoughtful and intuitive design makes it simple to shop for the whole home with models specifically designed for hallway (with a safety light), bedroom (with voice alerts), living room, and kitchen applications. All from a trusted leader in fire safety.

Facebook: www.facebook.com/kidde
Instagram: @kiddefiresafety
Twitter: @kiddesafety
Hashtags: #Kidde

No fall festivity is complete without a tasty snack, and there’s no treat more perfect for the season than Cinnabon Cookie BonBites – an irresistible mashup of Cinnabon’s signature ooey-gooey bite-size cinnamon roll stuffed inside a melty, chewy chocolate chip cookie.

Cookie BonBites

Cookie BonBites

Cookie BonBites are the ultimate mashup of Cinnabon’s ooey-gooey bite-sized cinnamon rolls, BonBites, stuffed inside a warm, melty chocolate chip cookie. The perfect fall treat, Cookie BonBites are back by popular demand for the first time in two years and are available now through November. To order, fans can visit participating bakeries, or order through Cinnabon.com or the new Cinnabon app. If using the app, Cinnabon Rewards members can also earn points on each purchase toward sweet rewards, like more BonBites. If you’re a new member, you’ll also be eligible for a 4-count of classic BonBites, just for signing up!

  • Prices starting at $3.29 (for one) and $14.99 (for eight); pricing may vary by location.
  • Available for purchase at participating Cinnabon bakeries, or for contactless delivery on www.Cinnabon.com or through the new Cinnabon mobile app.
  • For more information, visit www.Cinnabon.com/cookiebonbites (product) or www.Cinnabon.com/rewards (app, online ordering, rewards program).

Facebook: www.facebook.com/Cinnabon
Instagram: @cinnabon
Twitter: @cinnabon
Hashtags: #CookieBonBites #cookies #cinnamonrolls

*Content Provided and Sponsored by Brother International Corporation, Poly Inc., Kidde and Cinnabon.

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